Wednesday, 30 November 2011


Well after not blogging for a while there is some progress, the Guild hoard is virtually complete, I just have Avatar Justice to pick up today and around Christmas I will pick up Avatar Sonnia, Exorcist, Sue and possibly another Sue to convert as an 2nd Exorcist, which will complete it until the next batch of minis when Perdita comes out in Feb/March I cant remember which.
The next master for me unless I change my mind is Lilith, i'm planning Lilith, Nicodem and Collette or Marcus as my Non-Guild crews along with Levi, though especially Marcus and Nicodem will wait until their Alternative miniatures are released.
Possible Lilith List 35ss
Lilith Cache 8
Lelu and Lilith 14ss
3 Terror Tots 9ss
Hooded Rider 8ss